












  贵 (喘着气)四凤!
  四 (只做听不见,依然滤她的汤药)
  贵 四凤!
  四 (看了她的父亲【qīn】一眼)喝,真热,(走【zǒu】向右边的衣柜旁,寻一把芭蕉【jiāo】扇【shàn】,又走【zǒu】回中【zhōng】间
  贵 (望着她,停下工作)四凤,你听见了没有?
  四 (厌烦地,冷冷地看着她的父亲)是!爸!干什么?
  贵 我问你听见我刚才说的话了么?
  四 都知道了。
  贵 (一【yī】向是这样为【wéi】女儿看待的,只好是抗议【yì】似地)妈的,这孩子!
  四【sì】 (回过头来,脸正向观众)您少说闲【xián】话吧!(挥扇,嘘出一【yī】口气)呀【ya】!天气这样闷【mèn】热
  贵 (一把【bǎ】抢过【guò】鞋来【lái】)我的【de】事不用不【bú】管。(将鞋扔【rēng】在地上)四凤,你听着,我再跟【gēn】你说一
  四 (不耐烦地)听见了。
  贵 (自傲地)叫她想想,还是你【nǐ】爸爸混事有眼力【lì】,还是【shì】她有眼力【lì】。
  四 (轻蔑地笑)自然您有眼力啊!
  贵 你还别忘了告诉你妈,你在这儿周公馆吃的【de】好【hǎo】,喝的【de】好,几【jǐ】是白【bái】天侍候太太【tài】少【shǎo】爷,晚
  四 那倒不用告诉,妈自然会问你。
  贵 (得意)还【hái】有?啦,钱,(贪【tān】婪地笑着)你手下【xià】也有【yǒu】许多钱啦!
  四 钱!?
  贵 这两年的工钱,赏【shǎng】钱,还有(慢慢地)那零零碎【suì】碎的,他们……
  四 (赶【gǎn】紧接【jiē】下去【qù】,不愿听他【tā】要说的话)那您不是【shì】一块两块都要【yào】走了么?喝了【le】!赌了!
  贵 (笑,掩饰自己【jǐ】)你看,你看,你又那样。急【jí】,急,急什【shí】么?我【wǒ】不跟你【nǐ】要【yào】钱【qián】。喂,我
  四 (惊讶地)他?谁呀?
  贵 (索性说出来)大少爷。
  四【sì】 (红脸,声略高,走到【dào】鲁贵面前【qián】)谁说大少爷【yé】给我钱?爸爸,您别又穷疯了,胡说乱【luàn】
  贵 (鄙笑【xiào】着)好,好,好【hǎo】,没【méi】有,没【méi】有。反【fǎn】正这两年你不是存【cún】点钱么?(鄙吝【lìn】地)我【wǒ】不
  四【sì】 哼,妈不【bú】像您,见钱就【jiù】忘【wàng】了命。(回到中间茶【chá】桌滤药)。
  贵【guì】 (坐在【zài】长沙发上【shàng】)钱不【bú】钱,你【nǐ】没有【yǒu】你【nǐ】爸爸成么?你要不到【dào】这儿周家大公馆帮主儿,这
  四 (回【huí】过头)哼,妈【mā】是个本分人,念过书【shū】的,讲脸,舍【shě】不得把【bǎ】自己的女儿叫人【rén】家使唤。
  贵 什么【me】脸不【bú】脸?又【yòu】是你妈【mā】的那【nà】一【yī】套!你是谁家的小姐?--妈的,底【dǐ】下人的女儿【ér】,帮了
  四 (气得只【zhī】看父亲【qīn】,忽然【rán】厌恶【è】地【dì】)爸,您看您那一【yī】脸的油,--您把老爷的鞋再擦擦吧
  贵 (汹汹地)讲脸呢【ne】,又学你【nǐ】妈的【de】那【nà】点穷骨头,你看她!跑他【tā】妈【mā】的八百里外,女学堂里
  四【sì】 (忍【rěn】气)爸爸,您留几句回【huí】家说吧,这是人家周公馆!
  贵 咦,周公馆挡不【bú】住我跟我女儿谈家【jiā】务啊【ā】!我跟【gēn】你说,你的妈……
  四 (突【tū】然【rán】)我可忍【rěn】了好半天了【le】。我跟您【nín】先说下【xià】,妈可是好容易才会一趟【tàng】家。这次,也是
  贵 我,我,我做【zuò】了什么啦?(觉得【dé】在女儿【ér】面前失了【le】身份)喝【hē】点【diǎn】,赌点,玩点【diǎn】,这【zhè】三样,
  四 他才懒【lǎn】得管您这【zhè】些事呢!--可是他每月【yuè】从矿上寄给【gěi】妈用【yòng】的钱,您偷偷【tōu】地【dì】花了【le】,他知
  贵 那他敢怎【zěn】么【me】样,(高声地)他【tā】妈嫁【jià】给我,我就是【shì】他爸爸。
  四【sì】 (羞愧)小声【shēng】点!这没什么喊头。--太太在楼上养【yǎng】病呢。
  贵 哼!(滔滔地【dì】)我跟你【nǐ】说,我娶【qǔ】你妈,我还抱老大的委屈呢【ne】。你【nǐ】看【kàn】我这么个机【jī】灵人,
  四 (不愿听)爸爸。
  贵 哼,(骂得高兴了)谁知道那个王八蛋养的儿子。
  四 哥哥哪点对不起您,您这样骂他干什么?
  贵【guì】 他【tā】哪一点【diǎn】对得【dé】起我?当大兵,拉包月车,干机【jī】器匠,念【niàn】书上学,那一行他是好好地干【gàn】
  四【sì】 (小心地)我听说,不是我们老爷先【xiān】觉矿上的警察【chá】开了枪,他才【cái】领【lǐng】着工人动【dòng】的手么?
  贵 反正这【zhè】孩子混蛋【dàn】,吃人家的钱粮【liáng】,就【jiù】得听人家的话,好好【hǎo】地,要【yào】罢工,现在又得靠我
  四 您听错了吧【ba】;哥哥说他今【jīn】天自己要见【jiàn】老爷,不是【shì】找您求情来的。
  贵 (得意)可是谁叫我是他的爸爸呢,我不能不管啦。
  四【sì】 (轻蔑地看【kàn】着她的【de】父亲,叹了一口【kǒu】气)好,您歇歇吧,我要上楼跟太太送药去了,(
  贵 你先停一停,我再说一句话。
  四 (打岔)开午饭,老爷的普洱茶先泡好了没有?
  贵 那用不着我,他们小当差早伺候到了。
  四 (闪避地)哦,好极了,那我走了。
  贵 (拦住她)四凤,你别忙,我跟你商量点事。
  四 什么?
  贵 你听【tīng】啊【ā】,昨天不是老爷的生日么?大少爷也赏给我四【sì】块【kuài】钱。
  四 好极了,(口【kǒu】快地【dì】)我要是大少爷,我一【yī】个【gè】子也不给您。
  贵 (鄙笑)你这话对【duì】极了!四块钱,够干什【shí】么【me】的,还了点帐【zhàng】,就干【gàn】了。
  四 (伶俐地笑着)那回头你跟哥哥要吧。
  贵【guì】 四凤,别--你爸爸什么时候【hòu】借钱【qián】不【bú】还帐?现在你手上方便,随【suí】便匀【yún】给我妻块八块好【hǎo】
  四 我没有钱。(停一下放下药碗)您真是还帐了么?
  贵 (赌咒)我跟我的亲生女儿说瞎话是王八蛋!
  四 您别骗我,说了实在的,我也好替您想想法。
  贵 真的?--说起来这不怪我。昨【zuó】天【tiān】那几个【gè】零钱,大帐还不【bú】够,小帐剩点零,所以我就
  四 这是真的?
  贵 (真心地)这可一句瞎话也没有。
  四 (故【gù】意【yì】揶揄地)那【nà】我实【shí】实在在地【dì】告诉【sù】您,我也没有【yǒu】钱!(说毕就要拿起药碗)。
  贵 (着急)凤儿【ér】,你这孩子是什么【me】心【xīn】事?你可是我的亲生【shēng】孩子【zǐ】。
  四 (嘲笑地)亲【qīn】生的【de】女儿也【yě】没法把自己卖了,替您老人【rén】家还赌帐啊?
  贵 (严重地)孩子,你可【kě】明白点,你妈疼你,只在【zài】嘴上,我可是把你的【de】什【shí】么要紧的【de】事【shì】情【qíng】
  四 (明白地,但【dàn】是不【bú】知他【tā】闹的【de】什么把戏【xì】)你心里又要说什么?
  贵 (停一停【tíng】,四面望了一望,更近【jìn】地逼着【zhe】四凤,佯笑)我说【shuō】,大少【shǎo】爷常更我【wǒ】提过你【nǐ】,大
  四 (管【guǎn】不住【zhù】自己)大少爷!大少【shǎo】爷!您疯了!--我走【zǒu】了,太太就要叫我【wǒ】呢【ne】。
  贵 别【bié】走,我问你一【yī】句,前天!我看【kàn】见大少爷买衣【yī】料,--
  四 (沉下脸)怎么样?(冷冷地看着鲁贵…
  贵【guì】 (打【dǎ】量四凤周身【shēn】)嗯【èn】--(慢慢地拿起四【sì】凤的手)你这手上的戒指,(笑【xiào】着)不也是
  四 (厌恶地)您说话的神气真叫我心里想吐。
  贵 (有【yǒu】点【diǎn】气,痛快地)你【nǐ】不必这样假门假事,你是我的【de】女儿【ér】。(忽然贪【tān】婪地笑着)一【yī】个
  四 好吧,那么您说吧,究竟要多少钱用。
  贵 不多,三十块钱就成了。
  四 哦,(恶意地【dì】)那您就跟【gēn】这位大少【shǎo】爷要去【qù】吧。我走【zǒu】了。
  贵 (恼羞)好孩子,你以为【wéi】我真装【zhuāng】糊涂,不【bú】知道你同这混【hún】帐大少爷做的事么?
  四 (惹怒)您是父亲么?父亲有跟女儿这样说话的么?
  贵 (恶【è】相【xiàng】地)我是你【nǐ】的爸爸,我就要管你。我问你,前天晚上--
  四 前天晚上?
  贵 我不在家,你半夜才回来,以前你干什么?
  四 (掩饰)我替太太找东西呢。
  贵 为什么那么晚才回家?
  四 (轻蔑地)您这样的父亲没有资格来问我。
  贵 好文明词!你就说不上你上哪去呢。
  四 那有什么说不上!
  贵 什么?说!
  四 那是太太听说老爷刚回来,又要我检老爷的衣服。
  贵 哦,(低声【shēng】,恐吓地)可是半夜【yè】送【sòng】你回家的那位【wèi】是【shì】谁?坐着汽【qì】车,醉醺醺,只对你说
  四 (惊吓)那,那--
  贵 (大笑【xiào】)哦,你【nǐ】不用说了,那是我们鲁家的阔女【nǚ】婿!--哼,我们两【liǎng】间半破瓦房居然
  四 他,他是--





















繁(向萍)他上哪去了?萍 (莫明【míng】其妙【miào】)谁?繁 你【nǐ】父亲。萍 他有事【shì】情,见客,一会【huì】儿【ér】就回来【lái】。弟弟呢?繁 他只会哭,他走了【le】。萍 (怕和她一同在这间屋里)哦。(停)我【wǒ】要【yào】走了,我现在要收拾东西去。(走向饭厅)繁 回来,(萍停步)我请你略微坐【zuò】一【yī】坐。萍 什【shí】么事?繁 (阴【yīn】沉地)有话说。萍【píng】 (看出她的神色)你像是有很【hěn】重要的话跟我谈似【sì】的。繁嗯【èn】。萍 说【shuō】吧。繁 我【wǒ】希望你明【míng】白方才的情景【jǐng】。这【zhè】不是【shì】一天的事情。萍 (躲避地【dì】)父亲一向是【shì】那样,他说一句就是一【yī】句【jù】的。繁 可【kě】是人家说一句,我就【jiù】要听一句,那是违背我【wǒ】的【de】本【běn】性的。萍 我明白你。(强笑)那【nà】么【me】你顶好不听【tīng】他的【de】话就得了。繁萍,我盼望你还是从【cóng】前那【nà】样诚恳的人。顶好不要【yào】学着现在【zài】一般【bān】青年人【rén】玩世【shì】不恭【gōng】的态度。你【nǐ】知道我没有你在我面【miàn】前【qián】,这样,我【wǒ】已【yǐ】经很苦了【le】。萍 所以我就要走了。不要叫我们见着,互相提醒我们最后悔的事情。繁 我【wǒ】不后悔,我向来做事没有后悔过。萍 (不得已地)我想,我【wǒ】很明白【bái】地对你表示过。这些日子我没有见【jiàn】你【nǐ】,我想你【nǐ】很明【míng】白。繁 很明白。萍 那么【me】,我是个【gè】最糊涂,最不明白的人。我后悔,我认【rèn】为我生平做错一件大事。我对不起自【zì】己,对不起弟弟,更对【duì】不【bú】起父亲。繁 (低沉地)但【dàn】是【shì】最【zuì】对不起的人有一【yī】个,你反而轻轻地忘了。萍 我最对【duì】不【bú】起的【de】人,自然【rán】也有,但是我不用【yòng】同你说。繁 (冷笑【xiào】)那不是她!你【nǐ】最对不起的【de】是我,是你【nǐ】曾经引诱【yòu】的后母!萍【píng】 (有【yǒu】些怕她)你疯【fēng】了。繁 你欠【qiàn】了我一笔【bǐ】债,你对我负着责任;你不能看见【jiàn】了新的世界,就一个人跑。萍 我认为你用的【de】这些字眼,简直可怕。这种【zhǒng】字句不是在父亲这样--这样体面的【de】家庭里说的。繁 (气极)父亲,父亲,你撇开你【nǐ】的父亲吧!体面?你也说体【tǐ】面?(冷笑)我【wǒ】在【zài】这样的体面家庭已经十八【bā】年啦【lā】。周家家庭里做出【chū】的罪恶,我【wǒ】听过,我见【jiàn】过,我做过。我始终不【bú】是你【nǐ】们【men】周家【jiā】的人【rén】。我做【zuò】的事,我自己负【fù】责任。不像你们的【de】祖父,叔祖,同你【nǐ】们【men】的【de】好父【fù】亲【qīn】,偷【tōu】偷做出【chū】许【xǔ】多可怕的事【shì】情,祸移在别人身上,外面还【hái】是一副【fù】道德面孔,慈善家,社会【huì】上的好【hǎo】人【rén】物。萍 繁【fán】漪,大家【jiā】庭自然免不了不【bú】良分子,不过我们这一支,除了【le】我,……繁 都一【yī】样,你父【fù】亲【qīn】是第【dì】一个伪君子,他从前就【jiù】引【yǐn】诱过一个【gè】良家的姑娘【niáng】。萍 你不要乱说话。繁萍,你【nǐ】再听清【qīng】楚点,你就是你父亲的【de】私生【shēng】子!萍【píng】 (惊异【yì】而【ér】无【wú】主【zhǔ】地)你瞎说,你有什么【me】证据?繁【fán】 请你问你的体【tǐ】面父亲,这是他十五年【nián】前喝醉了的【de】时候告【gào】诉【sù】我的。(指桌上相片【piàn】)你就是这年【nián】青的姑【gū】娘声的小孩。她因为你【nǐ】父亲又不要她,就【jiù】自己投河【hé】死了。萍你,你,你【nǐ】简直……--好,好,(强笑)我【wǒ】都承【chéng】认。你预【yù】备怎么样?你【nǐ】要跟【gēn】我说什么?繁 你父亲对不起我,他用同样手段把我骗到你们家来,我逃不【bú】开,生了冲儿。十几【jǐ】年来像刚才一样的凶【xiōng】横,把我【wǒ】渐渐地磨成了石头样的【de】死【sǐ】人【rén】。你突【tū】然从家乡出来,是【shì】你,是你把我引到一条母亲不像母亲,情【qíng】妇不像【xiàng】情妇的路上【shàng】去。是你引诱我的【de】!萍 引【yǐn】诱!我请你【nǐ】不要【yào】用这两个字好【hǎo】不【bú】好【hǎo】?你知道当时的情形怎么样?繁 你【nǐ】忘【wàng】记了在这屋子里,半夜【yè】,我【wǒ】哭的【de】时候,你叹息【xī】着说【shuō】的话么?你说你恨你的【de】父亲,你说过,你【nǐ】愿他死,就是犯了灭【miè】伦的【de】罪也【yě】干。萍 你忘了。那时我年青,我的冲动【dòng】叫【jiào】我说出【chū】来这样糊涂的话【huà】。繁 你忘了,我虽然只比你大几岁,那时,我总还是你的母亲,你知道你不该对我【wǒ】说这种【zhǒng】话【huà】么?萍哦--(叹一口气)总之,你不该【gāi】嫁【jià】到周家来,周家的空气满是罪恶。繁 对了【le】,罪恶,罪恶。你【nǐ】的祖宗就不曾清白过,你们家里永远是不干净。萍 年青人一时糊涂【tú】,做错了的事,你【nǐ】就【jiù】不【bú】肯原【yuán】谅么?(苦恼地皱着眉【méi】)繁 这不是原谅【liàng】不原谅【liàng】的问【wèn】题,我已预备好棺材,安安【ān】静静地等死【sǐ】,一个人偏把我【wǒ】救活了又不理我,撇得我枯死,慢【màn】慢地渴【kě】死。你【nǐ】说,我该【gāi】怎么办?萍那,那【nà】我也不知道,你【nǐ】来说吧!繁 (一【yī】字一字地)我希望你不要走。萍 怎么,你【nǐ】要我陪着你【nǐ】,在【zài】这样的家庭,每天【tiān】想着过去的罪恶,这样活【huó】活地闷【mèn】死么?繁【fán】 你既知道【dào】这家庭可以闷死人【rén】,你【nǐ】怎么肯一个人走,把我【wǒ】放【fàng】在【zài】家里【lǐ】?萍 你没【méi】有【yǒu】权利说这种【zhǒng】话【huà】,你是冲弟弟【dì】的母亲。繁 我不是!我不是!自从我把我【wǒ】的【de】性命,名誉,交给你,我什【shí】么都【dōu】不顾了。我不是他的母亲。不【bú】是,不是,我【wǒ】也不【bú】是周【zhōu】朴园【yuán】的妻子。萍 (冷冷地)如果你以为你不是【shì】父亲的妻子,我自【zì】己还承认我是我父亲的儿【ér】子【zǐ】。繁 (不曾想到他【tā】会说这一句话【huà】,呆了一下)哦,你是你父亲【qīn】的【de】儿子。--这【zhè】些月,你【nǐ】特【tè】别不来看我,是怕【pà】你的父亲【qīn】?萍 也可以说【shuō】是怕他,才这样的吧。繁 你这一次到矿上去,也是学着你父亲的英雄榜样,把【bǎ】一个真【zhēn】正明白你,爱【ài】你的【de】人丢开不【bú】管么【me】?萍 这么解释也未尝不可。繁 (冷冷地)这【zhè】么说,你到底是你父亲【qīn】的儿【ér】子。(笑)父亲的儿子?(狂笑)父亲【qīn】的儿子?(狂笑,忽然冷静【jìng】严厉【lì】地)哼,都是没有【yǒu】用【yòng】,胆小【xiǎo】怕事,不值得人为他牺牲的东西!我【wǒ】恨着我【wǒ】早【zǎo】没【méi】有知道你!萍【píng】 那么你【nǐ】现在【zài】知道了【le】!我【wǒ】对不起你【nǐ】,我已经同【tóng】你详细【xì】解释【shì】过,我厌【yàn】恶这种不【bú】自然的关【guān】系。我告诉你,我【wǒ】厌恶。我负起我的【de】责任,我【wǒ】承认我【wǒ】那【nà】时的【de】错,叫我犯了那样【yàng】的错,你也不能完全没有责【zé】任。你【nǐ】是我认为最聪明,最【zuì】能了解的【de】女子,所以我【wǒ】想,你【nǐ】最后【hòu】会【huì】原谅我。我的态度,你现【xiàn】在骂我玩世【shì】不恭【gōng】也好,不负责任【rèn】也好,我【wǒ】告【gào】诉【sù】你,我盼望这一次【cì】的谈话【huà】是我们最【zuì】末一次谈话了。(走向饭【fàn】厅【tīng】门)繁 (沉重地语气)站着【zhe】。(萍立住)我希望你明白我刚【gāng】才说的话,我不是请【qǐng】求你。我【wǒ】盼望你用你的【de】心【xīn】,想一想,过去我们在这屋子里说的,(停,难【nán】过)许多,许多的话【huà】。一个女子【zǐ】,你记着,不能受两代的欺侮,你可以想一想。萍 我已经想得很透彻,我【wǒ】自己【jǐ】这些天的痛苦,我想你不是【shì】不知道,好,请你让我【wǒ】走吧。



Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah ?0?3 ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You ?0?3 Is my father ?0?3
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do ?0?3
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu ?0?3 ?0?3
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the ?0?3 (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! ?0?3
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it ?0?3
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had ?0?3
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah ?0?3 Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa ?0?3
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah ?0?3
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)



Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah ? ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You ? Is my father ?
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do ?
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu ? ?
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the ? (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! ?
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it ?
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had ?
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah ? Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa ?
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah ?
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)


Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguidaoju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiangbai: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yibai ~ Yiziyidun said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah ? ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You ? Is my father ?
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do ?
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu ? ?
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shuzhi Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the ? (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! ?
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it ?
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had ?
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah ? Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa ?
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah ?
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)

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